Dillon Urban Design Competition

Dillon Consulting is partnering with the Federation of Calgary Communities to present the Dillon Urban Design Competition. The competition focuses on creating a plan for the implementation of community gardens in the North Hills Community.  It explores the spatial, social, and financial considerations involved in the implementation of such amenities. The competition is for university students to gain industry exposure, as well as display their work. Teams of up to 4 people can register. The requirement is to submit an online presentation on Prezi.com. Deadline for submission is before March 10, 2011. The winning team will be awarded $750.

If you have any questions please contact me, Angela Eaton, at angela.eaton@urbancsa.org.

Follow this link for more information http://prezi.com/10_z3xxcckzu/dillon-urban-design-competition-uofc/

Here is a copy of the Competition Proposal

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